Sarphati Amsterdam
Enabling City-Level Public-Private Partnerships to Reduce Chronic Diseases
Project Overview
The City of Amsterdam (Public Health Service – GGD) and the Amsterdam knowledge institutions (UvA, AMC, VU, VUmc, HvA) are jointly conducting innovative interdisciplinary research for healthy living at Sarphati Amsterdam. Sarphati focusses on effective and sustainable prevention of non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Through this research, funded through various sources, the City of Amsterdam intends to promote a healthy lifestyle and optimum living conditions in order to prevent overweight and obesity among young people in Amsterdam. Prevention of overweight and obesity will lay the foundations for preventing and combatting these non-communicable diseases in the long term.
Multi-disciplinary teams are working to find solutions in terms of prevention and care by combining practice, research, policy and implementation. Some of the research projects are funded entirely or partly by private parties.
Action & Impact
Heartbeat Ventures was recruited to ensure the feasibility and longevity of these partnerships with private parties. Our team was directly involved in the development of a sustainable business model, and provided hands-on support to scale the initiative by engaging in private sector business development. We also provided project management support for executing the underlying research agenda.
Visit Sarphati Amsterdam to learn more.
Contact person: Adnan H. Mirza
Impact in numbers:
#organizations partnered with: 8